Hey there. Welcome to Newgrounds. I hope you have a great time around here, during your stay.
As you're a 'new' artist around these 'grounds', please, make sure to 'take-a-look' to the 'Content Submission Guidelines', which they're exactly right here, at the following link:
Putting aside that, also, make sure to 'have-fun', since is one of the main 'purposes' of this site (apart from sharing your creations and projects, 'connecting' and 'socializing' with 'us', the community, and more...)
...Ah, anyways... I think that I should stop talking right now. I wouldn't want to 'startle' you with so much 'wordiness', heh. Once more, welcome aboard, and see you around.
Hey there. Welcome to Newgrounds. I hope you have a great time around here, during your stay.
As you're a 'new' artist around these 'grounds', please, make sure to 'take-a-look' to the 'Content Submission Guidelines', which they're exactly right here, at the following link:
Putting aside that, also, make sure to 'have-fun', since is one of the main 'purposes' of this site (apart from sharing your creations and projects, 'connecting' and 'socializing' with 'us', the community, and more...)
...Ah, anyways... I think that I should stop talking right now. I wouldn't want to 'startle' you with so much 'wordiness', heh. Once more, welcome aboard, and see you around.
A cordial greeting, and have a nice day o7.